Oscar Rossignoli is a renowned contemporary pianist and composer based in New Orleans, celebrated for his innovative approach to jazz and Latin music fusion. Born with a deep passion for music in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Rossignoli began his musical journey at a young age, captivated by the rich cultural tapestry of his homeland.
Rossignoli's career has been marked by a series of notable achievements and collaborations. He has performed alongside renowned artists across the globe, such as Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jason Marsalis, Herlin Riley, Joe Dyson, Nicholas Payton, Brian Blade, Pedrito Martinez, and many others, captivating audiences with his virtuosity and emotional depth. His compositions are a reflection of his diverse cultural influences, seamlessly blending traditional Latin rhythms with the influence of the Black American Music traditions, as well as western classical music.
The Oscar Rossignoli trio features Bay Area born Amina Scott on bass (Dee Dee Bridgewater, Herlin Riley) and Gerald T. Watkins Jr (Marsalis family, New Orleans Jazz Orchestra) from Norfolk, Va -all three based in New Orleans.
*Please note: 1. Final sale, no refunds, not transferable. 2. $15 food/beverage minimum per person not included in ticket price. 3. Seating first come at the door. Doors open 6 PM & 8:45 PM respectively. 4. Photography or Recording of any kind is prohibited during the performance. 5. Keep conversation to a minimum during the performance.